Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Your favorite piece of technology

From I have memorie the technology always was present at my life, is really hard imagine a world without technology, without TV or radio or cellphones! that world definitely not is for me.

My favorite piece of technology by far is the cellphones, because have a little of all, in him I can found an infinity of things like books, music, etc and applications very various from games to social networks, the reason of my addiction to this applience, even when I do anything in them I entertain myself a lot. 

The first piece of technology that I have it was of my own property was a mobile to the sweet age of 12 years old, and I felt amazing with my prehistoric cellphones, I felt more bigger, more cool, more all that things that felt a chield with new toys and that what my mobile not doing anything more that call and share files by bluetooth, but in that moment I dont care. 

I use my smartphone for almost anything like call, chating, see videos, read different kind of books, listen to music, take photos, send e-mails, searching things and whatever that the smartphone let me do, using one part important of my day by day.

And finally I think the technology serves for stay more connecting with each other because almost in my case what more doing in my smartphones is chating with people that entertain myselft and that I love so much like my friends and my cousins to those who dont see as often as I would like to.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

why did you choose this career?

When I was more little than now I want to be a medical and join me to an organization that help people around the world something like "Medicos sin fronteras" or the "Cruz roja" etc, etc.

While time passed my dream still persited but my interesting are changed, when I was around 15 or 16 years old I started to wanna be a obstetrician because I love baby´s so much (while not be mine) and the idea of  help in his birth I like a lot, after this I started to learn more about this career and I realized that it was to hard for me have to face to all the situations that lived in a hospital. And was in this point in my life when started a new search looking something that make me feel realized but none career was attractive to me.

Finally was in the pre-university when my love for the chemistry started and never more to keep away from me. Once upon I decided that I wanna be a pharmacist put all my effort to get it.

When I learned that I was admitted in the " Universidad de Chile" y saw my dream realized.

Untill now my experience like student in this university it´s very nice and every day I check that was the decision correctly.

I still want to join an organization important that help people in poverty and for my future I wish work in a hospital pharmacy helped making the life of the patients better.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting to know each other

My name is Alondra Delgado, I am born the first of april in the year 1999 being the first daughter of my parents, I grow up in the center of the capital of Chile, Santiago, with my dad who is a analyst chemist, my mom what it is a teacher and my little brother that now have 9 years old, being very close with my grandparents who I visit very followed.

I studied in a small school my first six years of school life and after in a school in Ñuñoa, place where I finished my secondary education and meet the best persons a could even meet, my friends.
In the last year in this school, when i was in fourth year of secondary education I starter whit my preparation for the PSU, that take to myself  to studied Chemistry and  Pharmacy in the University of Chile of wich I hope get my professional title that permits to practice this beautiful career.

 After the university I want to travel to Alemania, to visiting my uncle and to cross Europa, specially Venecia and see the carnival that is carried out there.