Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting to know each other

My name is Alondra Delgado, I am born the first of april in the year 1999 being the first daughter of my parents, I grow up in the center of the capital of Chile, Santiago, with my dad who is a analyst chemist, my mom what it is a teacher and my little brother that now have 9 years old, being very close with my grandparents who I visit very followed.

I studied in a small school my first six years of school life and after in a school in Ñuñoa, place where I finished my secondary education and meet the best persons a could even meet, my friends.
In the last year in this school, when i was in fourth year of secondary education I starter whit my preparation for the PSU, that take to myself  to studied Chemistry and  Pharmacy in the University of Chile of wich I hope get my professional title that permits to practice this beautiful career.

 After the university I want to travel to Alemania, to visiting my uncle and to cross Europa, specially Venecia and see the carnival that is carried out there.


  1. Beautiful expectations to the future, I hope you could go to Venecia, the carnival seems to be very colourful and funny :D See you!

  2. Booooh, your birthday already happened, and I love the birthdays hahaha. I hope that you have had a very nice day and enjoyed everything:)

  3. Hi, nice to meet you Alondra. Belated happy birthday!!!

  4. Wow, you want to go to alemania, that's cool :D I hope you can make it, and I'm late but happy birthday <3 I enjoyed your blog. My regards, have a good day ^^
