Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A photograph you like

They are present in birthday, christmas, new year, and any important celebration in our life, the photographies freeze the time and they keep it for memory.

The photograph that more like to me are those that have been taken in an important moment or with important people, but I always thought that any moment can be important with the correct persons.

The more important people in my life are my family and my friends, always that I need something, anything they are there for me, for supporting me, encouraging me or simply listening all the things that I wanna tell. 

If well not is one of the best pics with my family and honestly for more that I try I can remember who took this photo. I like because was in my graduation and that moment was very emotional to me and I liked share that moment with they.

For this photo I don´t find works that describe it, I just love it because I appear with the most beautiful persons (apart from my family) that ever made I know, with them I learn how to be psychologist, mother, doctor, and I learn other things of wich I´m not very proud, but whatever I enjoy it and I love they for that. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The photographs are amazing, especially when they show sincere smiles

  3. Great post!
    I love your photographs :)

  4. Haha nice photos, I especially liked the photos of your family ^^
