Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My blogging experience

If I learned something in my classes of philosophy of the college it was that the human being begins to think in the same moment about that begins to be capable of communicating, and one of these forms is to do it by means of the writing. 

I´m never be good writen what I feel or what I´m thinking, and is for that write a blog that can be read for other people was a really odyssey, but in spite of this and when it seizes the pace to write about what  I like (or not) was great experience.

Express to myself by means of the workst allowed me to give up me to the moment to establish bows with others, skill that turns out to be extremely important in the profession that I glide to develop to future as pharmaceutical in the hospitable pharmacy.

One of the subject matters that I had liked to approach during the development of the blog is the political contingency that happens in Chile and the civic duties all we have like citizens, this because I believe in the last time to institutional and state level the integral education has been left of side, giving more importance to the formation academicism that to the human fomation. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

The science is an art that has allowed us to discover and to decipher some of the most important mysteries of the humanity by means of diverse scientific processes, one of these procedures corresponds to the nanotechnology that has turned into an important scientific finding since it allows us to achieve advances in matters that before were turning out to be unimaginable of reaching one of these fields turns out to be the biomedical applications since by means of the obtaining structure nanometricas across the división of micrometric objects it is posible to achieve the treatment to diverse diseases.

  This turns out be very speciall importan for the pharmaceutical área because there can allow the encased one diverse medicaments across micro and nanoestructures complex that allow a better absorption and control of the distribution of the medicamen
In my opinión the correct use of these technologies they would mean a revolution in the way of administering the medicines since on having possessed a small size it can manage the affairs attacking specific places even at the cellullar level, the problema with this technology is, at the momento, that is necessary the utilization of external agents to handle them being one of the best options the electromagnetic fields, but the elements that respond to this class of energy ate the magnetic that in the main are incompatible with the human organism.

Monday, June 12, 2017

The most enjoyable subject

When I was little my dad always took me to the laboratory where he worked and while he was attending his duties I was hanging around playing withh the laboratory material, since then I started my love for those objects that every time that I used it I receive a punishment.

Choose a single subject that is my favorite is hard because I feel that in a career all are complementar and necessary (except mathematiques I can´t stand it ) but the subject that I really adore is laboratory techniques and I think is largely because I´m not a big fan of the theoretical.

What I like about this subject is that I feel that is the one that comes closest to the work that I want to do in the future as a professional, work in a hospital pharmacy, I like to have to experiment and even to weight salt or measure the density of water , as long as I´m in the lab, I jot down.

In the laboratory I basically learn about the use of laboratory materials, the operation of the equipment and, of course of the preocesses as a pharmaceutical chemist should do in the future.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

A person that I admire

I have always felt admiration for those people who are able to stand up to their convictions no matter what else they say or think of them, fighting for what they want until the end.

Especially I  feel admiration for those women who manage to stand out for their personal prowess in a world so male chauvinist, that is why one of the people I most admire is Lucila Godoy Alcayaga better known as Gabriela Mistral, who was not only a noted poetess but also a wonderful educator.

Lucila was born in a village in the north called Vicuña on April 7, 1889, in a humble home starting a teaching career very early, because with only 15 years old was named as assistant in the "School of the Company Low ". In 1910 he moved to Santiago where he passed the special exams in the Normal School of Preceptors, at this moment she began working in different schools throughout the country.

From then on she began to gain an important international reputation for both her political career and her literature, literature that in 1945 led her to win the first Nobel Prize for a Latin American author. On January 10, 1957, after battling an aggressive pancreatic cancer, Lucila died at Hempstead Hospital, New York.