Saturday, June 24, 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

The science is an art that has allowed us to discover and to decipher some of the most important mysteries of the humanity by means of diverse scientific processes, one of these procedures corresponds to the nanotechnology that has turned into an important scientific finding since it allows us to achieve advances in matters that before were turning out to be unimaginable of reaching one of these fields turns out to be the biomedical applications since by means of the obtaining structure nanometricas across the división of micrometric objects it is posible to achieve the treatment to diverse diseases.

  This turns out be very speciall importan for the pharmaceutical área because there can allow the encased one diverse medicaments across micro and nanoestructures complex that allow a better absorption and control of the distribution of the medicamen
In my opinión the correct use of these technologies they would mean a revolution in the way of administering the medicines since on having possessed a small size it can manage the affairs attacking specific places even at the cellullar level, the problema with this technology is, at the momento, that is necessary the utilization of external agents to handle them being one of the best options the electromagnetic fields, but the elements that respond to this class of energy ate the magnetic that in the main are incompatible with the human organism.


  1. It is an interesting use that can give to nanotechnology.
    Nice post :) see you

  2. At the school I talked about nanotechnology and it's very interesting
