Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My blogging experience

If I learned something in my classes of philosophy of the college it was that the human being begins to think in the same moment about that begins to be capable of communicating, and one of these forms is to do it by means of the writing. 

I´m never be good writen what I feel or what I´m thinking, and is for that write a blog that can be read for other people was a really odyssey, but in spite of this and when it seizes the pace to write about what  I like (or not) was great experience.

Express to myself by means of the workst allowed me to give up me to the moment to establish bows with others, skill that turns out to be extremely important in the profession that I glide to develop to future as pharmaceutical in the hospitable pharmacy.

One of the subject matters that I had liked to approach during the development of the blog is the political contingency that happens in Chile and the civic duties all we have like citizens, this because I believe in the last time to institutional and state level the integral education has been left of side, giving more importance to the formation academicism that to the human fomation. 


  1. The political contingency could be a interesting subject to write about

  2. I am agree with you, was a great experience
